Search Results
Responsorial Psalm: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord "Is 12". [with Vocals]
Responsorial Psalm: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord "Isaiah 12" [Minus One]
Responsorial Psalm | The Baptism of the Lord | January 9, 2022
Isaiah 12: Baptism of the Lord Year B - You will draw water joyfully - Nicolas Viyof
The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord - 12.01.2014
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Psalm 29) - Charry May Balboa, cantor
The Baptism Of The Lord - Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Acclamation | The Baptism of the Lord | January 9, 2022
The Baptism of the Lord: Isaiah 12 - You Will Draw Water [YEAR B]
Psalm for the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm for Baptism of the Lord (Year B)
R&A Descant for the Baptism of the Lord (Respond and Acclaim)